Your company
General Contractor

Unnecessary waste of time within the tendering process is a thing of the past.


We understand the many challenges faced by construction specialists.

Software partner

Let’s collaborate to combine our expertise.

Our solutions
Quickly create projects

Create projects and manage all underlying work items and documents.

Create projects Manage documents and work items
Create and send requests

Link permanent and new parties to work items and send your requests.

Find existing and new parties Send offer requests
Manage and compare received bids

Ensure good communication in your bidding process.

Real-time overview of statuses Compare received bids
Manage your personal database

Company information and contact details always up-to-date.

Manage your trusted partners
Search regular and new parties in our Marketplace

Proven expertise in Europe's largest Marketplace.

Find the best subcontractors
Evaluate your collaborations

Get valuable information from evaluations.

12Build Evaluator
Keep quotation requests clear

Receive, manage and respond to all quotation requests.

Central overview of requests
Create the perfect quotation

Create a good quotation quickly with budget rules and stay in control.

Respond to requests for quotations Instant visibility into quotation status
Attract the attention of general contractors

Provide relevant requests with a unique and complete company profile in the 12Build Marketplace.

Activate your company profile Boost your visibility

If you want to enlarge your knowledge, or just looking for inspiration, then check out our blogs.

Customer stories

Our customers know us best. Read here what they think about 12Build.


Knowledge should be shared. You can find our whitepapers here.

Take a look
About us
Our story

Building a transparent construction industry together.

Work at 12Build

With pride and passion. Come work at 12Build.


We are happy to help. Reach out to us.

12Build pricing
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12Build Evaluator Login Icon


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Try 12Build
Your company Your company
General Contractor

Unnecessary waste of time within the tendering process is a thing of the past.


We understand the many challenges faced by construction specialists.

Software partner

Let’s collaborate to combine our expertise.

Our solutions Our solutions Tender management Supplier management Bid management
Perhaps you are a
Estimator Project developer Architect Software partner
Tender management
Quickly create projects

Create projects and manage all underlying work items and documents.

Create projects Manage documents and work items
Create and send requests

Link permanent and new parties to work items and send your requests.

Find existing and new parties Send offer requests
Manage and compare received bids

Ensure good communication in your bidding process.

Real-time overview of statuses Compare received bids
Supplier management
Manage your personal database

Company information and contact details always up-to-date.

Manage your trusted partners
Search regular and new parties in our Marketplace

Proven expertise in Europe's largest Marketplace.

Find the best subcontractors
Evaluate your collaborations

Get valuable information from evaluations.

12Build Evaluator
Bid management
Keep quotation requests clear

Receive, manage and respond to all quotation requests.

Central overview of requests
Create the perfect quotation

Create a good quotation quickly with budget rules and stay in control.

Respond to requests for quotations Instant visibility into quotation status
Attract the attention of general contractors

Provide relevant requests with a unique and complete company profile in the 12Build Marketplace.

Activate your company profile Boost your visibility
Resources Resources

If you want to enlarge your knowledge, or just looking for inspiration, then check out our blogs.

Customer stories

Our customers know us best. Read here what they think about 12Build.


Knowledge should be shared. You can find our whitepapers here.

Take a look
About us About us
Our story

Building a transparent construction industry together.

Work at 12Build

With pride and passion. Come work at 12Build.


We are happy to help. Reach out to us.

12Build pricing
Login Login 12Build Login Icon


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Hvad er nyt?

Vi arbejder hele tiden på 12Build-platformen. Hver dag gør vi din arbejdsgang smidigere og hjælper dig med at nå dine mål mere effektivt. På denne side finder du større opdateringer, forbedringer og fejlrettelser.

Har du tanker om opdateringerne eller ideer til fremtidige forbedringer? Din feedback er med til at forme 12Builds fremtid. Sammen bygger vi et bedre fællesskab for byggebranchen.

Del dine tanker 12Build kontakt

Tilføj projektbeskrivelse

Det er nu muligt at tilføje en projektbeskrivelse i projektindstillingerne. Med denne nye funktion kan du nemt registrere og dele relevant information om projektet.

Takket være en speciel tag kan projektbeskrivelsen automatisk vedhæftes, når du sender tilbudsanmodninger. På denne måde modtager underentreprenører straks alle vigtige detaljer, hvilket gør tilbudsprocessen mere effektiv og gennemsigtig.

DMS-integrationer: Dalux Box og SharePoint

Med integrationerne Dalux Box og SharePoint administrerer du dokumenter i 12Build uden manuelle uploads og downloads. Disse integrationer sparer tid og sikrer mere effektiv dokumenthåndtering i 12Build.

Du kan nemt forbinde dokumenter og mapper og automatisk synkronisere dem, så de nyeste versioner altid er tilgængelige. Ændringer, såsom tilføjede eller slettede filer, registreres automatisk og opdateres i 12Build. På den måde forbliver din projektdokumentation altid opdateret og komplet.

Redigering af kontaktoplysninger

Total- og hovedentreprenører kan nu ikke kun tilføje kontaktpersoner hos underentreprenører, men også redigere deres oplysninger. Dette hjælper med at holde kontaktoplysninger opdaterede og forhindrer fejl, såsom forkerte e-mailadresser.

Hvis en underentreprenør endnu ikke har udfyldt sin profil fuldt ud, kan hovedentreprenøren supplere de manglende oplysninger. Derudover kan hovedentreprenører foreslå ændringer i eksisterende kontaktoplysninger. Underentreprenører bevarer dog muligheden for selv at have ansvaret for at holde deres profil opdateret.

Changelog februar 2025.


  • Vi har implementeret nogle tekniske forbedringer, som har gjort den overordnede platform hurtigere, hvilket har resulteret i hurtigere indlæsningstider for siderne. 


  • Arbejdskategorier i URL og anmodning: Vores URL'er forsøgte at opfinde et nyt sprog ved at blande arbejdskategorier sammen. Vi lærte dem korrekt tegnsætning - kommaer til undsætning!

  • Forkert link til arbejdskategori i e-mailstatus: Påmindelsesmails sendte dig ud på en omvej. Nu fører de dig direkte til det rigtige sted.

  • Forkert projekt til svar på tilbud: Beskeder endte nogle gange i det forkerte projekt. Vi viste dem den rigtige vej.